You We're Lost Now You are Found

See What God Can Do Through You

I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.

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Our Beliefs

How could anyone know where Christ is and what faith is in him unless he knew where his believers are?

Our Code

How could anyone know where Christ is and what faith is in him unless he knew where his believers are?


How could anyone know where Christ is and what faith is in him unless he knew where his believers are?

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One of the greatest attacks of the enemy is to make you busy, to make you hurried, to make you noisy, to make you distracted, to fill the people of God and the Church of God with so much noise and activity that there is no room for prayer. There is no room for being alone with God. There is no room for silence. There is no room for meditation.

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What Have Jesus Done with Our Life

I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.

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Elena Sanford
Co Pastor

Blanditiis maiores minima ut laborum excepturi quis accusamus perferendis.

Cruz Satterfield
Co Pastor

Blanditiis maiores minima ut laborum excepturi quis accusamus perferendis.

Women's Ministry

Quam eum et libero eos harum libero numquam consequuntur. Alias est quae ratione illu


  • 12:00 AM - 13:00 PM
  • San Patrice Church, Manhattan , Ny
  • Belinda Monroy
Learn More

Amblyopia (lazy eye)

Lazy eye, medically known as amblyopia, is a loss or lack of development of vision, usually in one eye. This degenerative process usually begins with an inherited condition and appears during infancy or early childhood. Lazy eye needs to be diagnosed between birth and early school age since it is during this period that the brain “chooses” its visual pathway and may ignore the weaker eye permanently.Lazy eye is not always easy to recognize since a child with worse vision in one eye does not necessarily have lazy eye. Because of this, it is recommended that all children, including those with no symptoms, have a comprehensive eye examination by the age of three and sooner if there is a family history of any eye condition or disease. If you suspect a problem, or need to set up your child’s first eye examination, contact Advanced Eyecare Specialists to set up an appointment.


Hide yourself in God, so when a man wants to find you he will have to go there first.

Our Events

Hide yourself in God, so when a man wants to find you he will have to go there first.

our services


From Our Brothers & Sisters

Emmanuel RAndal

God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile

NAtalie Oremira

We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.

Maria Tucson

Always, everywhere God is present, and always He seeks to discover Himself to each one

KAren Kendal

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.